Best Alternatives For SourceTree and Phpmyadmin on linux
Today i’m working with some projects on windows environment and i use sourcetree as version controller and navicat(cracked version) for database then i want to move my working environment to linux(mint 19) and there is no sourcetree support on linux and i found two alternative for sourcetree and used one of them
I used smartGit to continue my work
You can Download it from or can also found it on SoftwareManger

once you install it also easy as sourcetree setup it shows below message box either you can create new repository or clone the existing repository.

when you click the clone existing repository you can clone repository using url

past your clone url and click next and choose which branch you want to checkout from cloud and next

last section ask where you want to store you file in local directory

select path and finish it may take while to finish the process and after that you can see your repository and it is worked same as source tree

Alternative for PhpMyAdmin
this is simple file that full-featured database tool for MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS SQL, Oracle, Firebird, SimpleDB, Elasticsearch and called Adminer
you can easily download file

and go to your download location (if you are using terminal need super user privileges for future action type “sudo su” in your terminal and get superuser privilages.

if you are using terminal type ls -l to view files in your current location and find the file name adminer-x.php

and type
once you done the work we are ready to go
open your web browser and type
it will show like this

type your user name and password hit the login

now you can perform the all the db action through this
If you found a better solution then we can help each other out by sharing as many reference we can .
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