Hasitha Charaka 🔵
4 min readJul 1, 2020

How to Get Free Domain and point to Github Pages using Cloudflare

Freenom is domain register that provide unlimited free domains that last for one year. The only limit is that you can only get domains ending in .tk, .ml, .ga, .cf, or .gq.

Step 1 : Go to https://www.freenom.com

Step 2 : Check Availability

Step 3 :if the domain name is available click Get it now! and the Checkout

Step 4 : Set the period to 12 months the click Continue

Step 5:check I have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions. Then click Complete Order

Now we have Done the Domain Purchasing Part Lets move to Cloudflare Part

Add Your Domain to Cloudflare

Step 1 :Go to https://www.cloudflare.com create account

Step 2: Click Add a site in Account Dashboard and Put Your Domain.

Step 3: Select Free palan and Continue

Step 4: wait till the cloudflare checking the exsiting DNS record and click Continue.

Step 5: Cloudflare will give you two nameservers that you need to set in Freenom.

Step 6:Go back to Freenom Click Service > My Domains

Step 7: Select Your Domain and Click ManageDomain

Step 8:Click Management Tools > nameservers

Step 9 : select “use custom nameservers”

Step 10 :add the cloudflare nameservers to custom name servers

Add Custom Domain to Githubpages

In previous story i created about how to create github page as website: click here

i assume that already have github page

go to github and select the repo you want to add custom domain

and select settings

and scroll to bottom you will see section “custom domain”

add your domain and save

Now all are Set It will take a while, so please be patient.

After Done You can enter your Domain name on browser and check

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Enjoy your Free Domain ❤